5.5 gramů
30x11x9 mm
Koprolity jsou zkamenělé výkaly. Koprolity jsou klasifikovány jako fosilní stopy na rozdíl od fosilií těla, protože spíše svědčí o chování zvířete (v tomto případě o stravě) než o morfologii. Jméno je odvozeno z řeckých slov κόπρος (kopros, znamená “hnůj”) a λίθος (lithos, znamená “kámen”). Nejprve je popsal William Buckland v roce 1829. V paleontologii slouží k cennému účelu, protože poskytují přímý důkaz predace a stravy zaniklých organismů. Velikost koprolitů se může pohybovat od několika milimetrů do více než 60 centimetrů.
Another beautiful piece of moldavite! Great quality and just as promised! Great communication and fast delivery!
Once again, I got exactly what I ordered, a beautiful and high-quality piece of moldavite! Excellent customer service and fast and uncomplicated delivery! I highly recommend this merchant!
Beautiful and good Quality. One of my favorite Stones. Very relatiable seller. I would buy again
<p>I had purchased this product on 29 Nov 2024 and received it on 14 Dec 2024. I had made a purchase from India and received it within 14 days. The seller sells quality product with less price compared to other vendors. <br /> Also the seller sells quality crystal and provide the... zobrazit celý text
This is one of my favourite Moldavites shop. Always the best prices and service. I recommend. Thank you!
Era lo que estaba buscando, piezas auténticas! Una maravilla en todos los aspectos. Gracias!
El trato al cliente es espectacular! El envío a tiempo, sin duda volveré a comprar! Muchas gracias por todo!
Every Moldavite I order from Jaroslav are just amazing! I love the Brusna snowflake or the 'moldy's'. I think I have like ten Moldavite pieces and all of them are spectacular!! Best prices and authentic Moldavite. Thank you!
<p>Thank you so much for the magic stone! </p> <p>It is a true moldavite (confirmed by my jeweler) with a dense structure and a fascinating story. </p> <p>Thanks to Jaroslav for his attentive an patient answers. </p> <p>-- </p> <p>P.S I think this is the largest... zobrazit celý text